Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vanprastha in Blogosphere

Friday, January 16, 2009 Getting Started in Blogosphere
I am a homemaker and a mother of two who are on the verge of flying the nest. Just had my 50th birthday.

In the Vedic period, I guess, it was around this age, that people opted for the 'vanprastha ashram'. This was the third ashram or phase of life, succeeding 'Brahmacharya ashram' (student phase), and 'Grihastha ashram' (householder phase). 'Vanprastha' literally means 'going to the forest'. The householder gradually relinquishes his responsibilities and rights in the household and allows the younger generation to take over, while he and his spouse move into a more contemplative mode of life. This phase precedes the last one- the 'Sanyas ashram' or the 'phase of renunciation' and is the mental and physical preparation for it. The fruit ripens and gradually disconnects from the branch of worldly life.

I can't say, the idea doesn't appeal to me right now. It made a lot of sense dividing the human life in these four distinct phases. Would have eliminated many conflicts and power struggles within the household, all those 'saas-bahu' scenarios. People would retire to the solitude and peace of the forests, assimilate their life experiences, contemplate and meditate. They would have the opportunity to associate and learn from sages who lived in those verdant environs. They depended on Ayurveda for curing their ailments so even that aspect would be well taken care of in the forests.

All this does appear rather tempting to me at this point in my life! An escape, a sanctuary from the humdrum daily existence, the same old routine of life which goes on and on, the never-ending cycle of chores and duties. So here I am, taking my first steps into Blogosphere, the modern version of the unknown forest, a world beyond my own small one. For a few hours everyday, I am planning to escape into this world and there is no knowing what I might find. So here goes! Posted by Rwitoja at 1:16 PM 3 comments Labels: , , , , , ,

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